I wish I were better at this blogging thing
So here I am, posting again. What's it been, only 5 or 6 months since the last time? Geez, I suck at blogging.
Oh well. Life's generally good. Work's going. Etc, etc. Christmas is coming up. I got almost all my shopping done. Spent almost 600 dollars already, which is crazy crazy. I took my little brother to a holiday roller skating party and he broke his arm! Poor kid.
Speaking of skating, I've taken an ice skating class at the University since my last post. Boy is that great! I've finally learned how to ice skate. I mean I could get by, sort of, before. At least I didn't fall too much, but now I can skate, slow down, stop and even skate backwards! I can't wait for the lakes to freeze this year so I can go out on them.