So I recently submitted 2 wallpapers that took me a lot of work to create in Photoshop. Sadly, they were rejected, but honestly, as a frequent visitor of this site I can't figure out why. Here are links to the two walls: Link and Link.

In the rejection email I received is a link to the guidelines for submission (Link), but they are fairly general and I do not think any point obviously applies to my situation.

Now I'm hoping to ask the community at large, preferably people who actually get walls accepted, what's wrong with these walls? I think they came out really nice, and I'm darn proud of them. They are certainly my best attempt so far. It just seems kind of funny that crap like this Link (don't worry it's mine ) can get accepted but these two much better pieces of work are rejected. Other walls similar in style to mine have been accepted, so it shouldn't simply be that Wincustomize rejects all walls of this type.

I just feel bad that my crap can get accepted but my better stuff gets the shaft.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 11, 2006
I'll take a shot at this...
As someone who has had a few WP's rejected I understand your frustration. Without knowing their reasons and looking at your links...I would say the stuff that did get accepted is good, but more as a wallpaper.

The 'rainbow colored one' that was rejected, I think is good. The other not as good as your other stuff. Please don't be offended. It's just kinda un-unique compared to your other stuff. I wouldn't give up on either one. I had one rejected 3 times and I just had to really step back and force myself to look at it objectively. After another was accepted.

I think your stuff is creative. I'm no good with those kinds of effects and abstract imagery. I'd play with them a little more and try again.

Again, this is just my opinion and I really hope I haven't offended you.

Good luck.
on Jan 11, 2006
And not to pick on anyone in particular but this one (Link) is similar in style to mine, so it shouldn't simply be that Wincustomize rejects all walls of this type.

You probably shouldn't bring another in to this.
on Jan 11, 2006
ScottyK Please do not link to other people's work as examples, it is unfair on the person concerned. Thanks.
on Jan 11, 2006
i was not saying anything one way or another about the other person's work, i'm just pointing out that this same style wall has been accepted before. but i removed the link above just to be "safe."

and thanks for your comments so far... don't worry about offending me. I usually don't get offended unless someone is really trying to offend me If the walls suck... then that's what I want to know... I've just seen what's normally accepted on here and I don't think that mine are on the "suck" side of things.
on Jan 11, 2006
i agree that your walls are aesthetic and more importantly, functional; and although a common wall style the soft swirly color style is in fact not common here on wincust.

Wincust libraries seem to roll in the way of center focus, computer 3d generated stuff. Landscapes.. industrial..abstract orb. In my opinion, there is far too much of it. Submitted at this time, with what i see in the recent library, your work is fresh and though some moderators might see it as 'generic' it is far more unique than recent history. Given that, you've got my support - however useless it may be.

Knowing a few of the moderators here from daily chat, i believe if you ask them kindly for a re-review, as you have here, they would not object to taking another look. I would suggest putting the two walls together in one package as they are similar, however. Maybe swing by the chat room some time, and pop the question. You might get a couple more people to look at it who disagree with the previous moderation.
on Jan 11, 2006
Knowing a few of the moderators here from daily chat, i believe if you ask them kindly for a re-review, as you have here, they would not object to taking another look. I would suggest putting the two walls together in one package as they are similar, however. Maybe swing by the chat room some time, and pop the question. You might get a couple more people to look at it who disagree with the previous moderation.

where is this "chat room" you speak of? and thanks for your kind words.
on Jan 11, 2006
Its an IRC channel located on mostly we're in #stardock. You can get here quick using Stardock Central. Click on the 'chat' button in the left column, then type /join #stardock.
on Jan 11, 2006
what's wrong with these walls?

Nothing wrong with the walls...the colored one is quite interesting. You can always submit it to your personal galleries.
on Jan 11, 2006

Citizen ScottyK  ...although the two walls are similar, the first I would have thought was OK...[walls should be 'interesting' without being for icons, etc]....but the latter is what is commonly referred to as a 'blue swirlie'....a VERY common image 'style' which is somewhere between 'passe' and 'Please, God, no more'.

I'd be inclined to accept the former, but not the latter.

Moderation, however is a Democratic process....wall submissions are 'voted on'....too many inverted thumbs and it's usually 'out'.

In this case it may be worth a rethink...

on Jan 11, 2006
Thanks to Jafo for the candid comments No more blue swirlies, check! And try re-submitting the "rainbow-ish" one. I also did check out the IRC... got connected ok, but no one was talking.
on Jan 11, 2006
No need to re-up that other's been made public already...
on Jan 11, 2006
came in late on this one...

ScottyK, I have to let you know, I have had A LOT of walls rejected, and sometimes it is jsut because my vision is my art, and not the end user's machinne. The Moderators here are very good at spotting what will and will not work. Keep up the good work, and don't stop submitting, believe me, I have spent HOURS on a wall jsut to get it moderated down, but hey, that's art, and you just learn to accept that it just wasn't right for WC at this time.

Keep it up.

on Jan 11, 2006
I have spent HOURS on a wall jsut to get it moderated down, but hey, that's art, and you just learn to accept that it just wasn't right for WC at this time.

on Jan 11, 2006
i just uploaded a wall too it's called solaire but it was rejected too, BUT without telling us why it was rejected how can we change it to make it acceptable?

The thing is people are asking for it to go with the windowblind i've made!!!!

Jafo could you tell me why it was rejected Please!
on Jan 11, 2006
well that's really the situation right? we'd love to know why, but then not only is it way more work to send out individual emails, but sometimes it's gonna be a quality thing, right? and none of us want to hear our work isn't "good." i agree that knowing why would help, but i would not put that responsibility on anyone here at WC. in this particular circumstance, i just thought someone wasn't quite right, and as seen here at least a couple of others agreed, at least to some extent.

someone above mentioned personal galleries... this was the first time i've really heard about them (except for probably some small snippit of something brad wrote in a main page article that i skimmed over). I'll have to check those out.

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